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答案:What are the characteristics of a beautiful city?


What are the characteristics of a beautiful city?


Tra veling is one of the most popular leisure activities around the world. It allows people to explore new places, experience different cultures, and broaden their horizons.
There are many benefits to tra veling. Firstly, it provides a great opportunity to learn about different cultures and ways of life. By visiting different countries, people can immerse themselves in local traditions, taste new foods, and learn about the history and customs of the places they visit.
Secondly, tra veling helps people to escape from their daily routines and recharge their batteries. It allows them to relax and unwind, and to forget about their problems for a while. This can be especially important for people who lead busy and stressful lives.
Finally, tra veling can also be a great way to make new friends and connections. By meeting new people from different backgrounds, people can broaden their social circles and gain new perspectives on the world.
Of course, there are also some challenges and risks associated with tra veling. People need to be aware of safety concerns, such as theft and scams, and should take precautions to protect themselves. They also need to be respectful of local customs and laws, and to a void beha viors that could offend or harm others.
Overall, however, tra veling is a wonderful way to experience new things, broaden your horizons, and create lasting memories. Whether you're exploring a new city, relaxing on a beach, or trekking through the mountains, there's always something new and exciting to discover when you tra vel.


What are some famous tourist attractions in English?


My Fa vorite Animal
My fa vorite animal is the panda. Pandas are native to China and are known for their black and white fur. They are also known for their love of bamboo, which makes up most of their diet.
Pandas are very cute and cuddly, which is why they are so popular in zoos around the world. They are also very rare and endangered, which makes them even more special.
One of the things I like most about pandas is their playful nature. They love to climb and roll around in the grass, and they are very curious about their surroundings.
Overall, pandas are amazing animals that I love learning about and seeing whenever I get the chance.


My Hobbies and Interests
Everyone has their own hobbies and interests that they enjoy doing in their free time. My biggest hobby and interest is learning and practicing English. I ha ve always been fascinated by the langua ge and its ability to connect people from all over the world.
I spend a lot of my free time reading English books, watching English movies and TV shows, and listening to English music. I also enjoy practicing my writing and speaking skills by participating in online forums and langua ge exchange programs.
In addition to English, I also enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and camping. I love exploring nature and challenging myself physically. I find that being in nature helps me relax and clear my mind.
Lastly, I am a big fan of cooking and trying out new recipes. I love experimenting in the kitchen and creating delicious meals for my family and friends. Cooking is not only a fun hobby for me, but it also allows me to express my creativity and share my love through food.
Overall, my hobbies and interests reflect my passion for learning, exploring, and creating. They bring me joy and fulfillment in my life and I look forward to continuing to pursue them in the future.




Hello, my name is Ai. I am a student in a university in China. I am majoring in English and I love it very much. I am passionate about learning new langua ges and cultures. In my free time, I enjoy reading books, watching movies, and tra veling. I also love to meet new people and make new friends.
I am a hardworking and dedicated person. I always strive to do my best in everything I do. I believe that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible. I am also a team player and enjoy working with others to achieve a common goal.
In the future, I hope to become a successful English teacher and help my students achieve their dreams. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to the challenges that will come my way. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me.




1. 北(běi)京(jīng):作为中国的首都,北(běi)京(jīng)拥有丰富的历史和文化遗产,例如故宫、天(tiān)安(ān)门(mén)广场、颐和园等。
2. 上海:上海是中国最大的城市之一,有着独特的城市风貌和现代化的城市建设,例如外滩、南京路步行街等。
3. 成都:成都是中国西南地区的重要城市,以其悠久的历史和美食文化而闻名,例如宽窄巷子、锦里等。
4. 西安:西安是古代中国的首都之一,有着丰富的历史和文化遗产,例如兵马俑、大雁塔等。
5. 杭州:杭州是中国的旅游胜地,拥有美丽的自然风光和文化景观,例如西湖、灵隐寺等。
6. 厦门:厦门是一个海滨城市,有着独特的历史和文化背景,例如鼓浪屿、南普陀寺等。
7. 青岛:青岛是中国的海滨城市,以其美丽的海滩和欧式建筑而著名,例如栈桥、八大关等。
8. 西塘:西塘是中国的水乡古镇之一,有着古老的街道和精美的建筑,例如古桥、古井等。


China is a vast and diverse country located in East Asia. It has a population of over 1.4 billion people and is the world's most populous country. China is known for its rich history, ancient culture, and modern advancements.
China has a long and fascinating history that dates back over 5,000 years. It has been ruled by various dynasties and emperors, and has undergone many changes over the centuries. Today, China is a socialist country with a one-party political system and is governed by the Communist P a r t y of China.
China is also known for its stunning natural beauty, including the majestic Himalayan Mountains, the vast Gobi Desert, and the beautiful Yangtze River. It is home to many world-famous landmarks, such as the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Warriors.
In recent years, China has become a global economic powerhouse and a leader in technological advancements. It is the world's second-largest economy and is home to many successful companies such as Alibaba, Huawei, and Tencent. China is also a major player in global trade and is known for its production and export of goods such as electronics, clothing, and machinery.
Overall, China is a fascinating country with a rich history, stunning natural beauty, and impressive modern advancements.


Shanghai is a modern and bustling city located on the eastern coast of China. It is one of the most populous cities in the world and has a rich history and culture. Here are some highlights of Shanghai:
1. The Bund: This famous waterfront promenade offers stunning views of the iconic skyline of Shanghai. It is lined with historic buildings that reflect the city's colonial past.
2. Yu Garden: This traditional Chinese garden is a peaceful oasis in the midst of the city's hustle and bustle. It features beautiful pa vilions, rock formations, and ponds.
3. Nanjing Road: This busy shopping street is a must-visit for anyone who loves fashion and shopping. It is home to many high-end shops and department stores.
4. Oriental Pearl Tower: This tall tower is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Shanghai. It offers panoramic views of the city and has a revolving restaurant at the top.
5. French Concession: This area of the city is known for its charming streets, trendy cafes, and boutique shops. It is a great place to explore on foot and soak up the atmosphere.
Overall, Shanghai is a vibrant and exciting city that offers something for everyone. Whether you're interested in history, culture, shopping, or just taking in the sights and sounds of a bustling metropolis, Shanghai is definitely worth a visit.

