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答案:Some common household chores in English include: - Cleaning (dusting, vacuuming, mopping, etc.)- Washing dishes- Doing laundry- Making beds- Cooking meals- Taking out the trash- Watering plants- Sweeping the floors- Tidying up (putting things away, organizing) - Ironing clothes- Washing windows - Scrubbing the bathroom (sink, toilet, shower, etc.) - Grocery shopping - Yard work (mowing the lawn, weeding, etc.)


Some common household chores in English include:
- Cleaning (dusting, vacuuming, mopping, etc.)
- Washing dishes
- Doing laundry
- Making beds
- Cooking meals
- Taking out the trash
- Watering plants
- Sweeping the floors
- Tidying up (putting things away, organizing)
- Ironing clothes
- Washing windows
- Scrubbing the bathroom (sink, toilet, shower, etc.)
- Grocery shopping
- Yard work (mowing the lawn, weeding, etc.)


1. Do the dishes: 洗碗
2. Sweep the floor: 扫地
3. Vacuum the carpet: 吸尘
4. Dust the furniture: 擦(cā)拭(shì)家具
5. Do the laundry: 洗衣服
6. Iron clothes: 熨衣服
7. Clean the bathroom: 清洁浴室
8. Make the bed: 整理床铺
9. Take out the trash: 倒垃圾
10. Cook dinner: 做晚餐


家务活的英文读法是 housework。


Common household chores include cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, washing dishes, taking out the trash, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, and organizing.


What are some household chores in English?


What are some household chores in English?


1. 扫地、拖地、擦地等地面清洁工作;
2. 洗衣服、晾晒、叠放等衣物管理工作;
3. 洗碗、擦桌子、擦窗户等家具及器皿清洁工作;
4. 烹饪、切菜、洗菜等厨房工作;
5. 垃圾分类、垃圾清运等垃圾处理工作;
6. 家庭账目管理、物品采购等家庭管理工作;
7. 家庭成员照顾、孩子教育等家庭关怀工作;
8. 其他家庭维护和管理工作。


What is the English word for 家务活?


1. Cleaning - 清洁
2. Cooking - 烹饪
3. Laundry - 洗衣
4. Ironing - 熨烫
5. Dusting - 擦(cā)拭(shì)
6. Sweeping - 扫地
7. Mopping - 拖地
8. Washing dishes - 洗碗
9. Vacuuming - 吸尘
10. Grocery shopping - 买菜
11. Taking out the trash - 倒垃圾
12. Watering plants - 浇花
13. Making beds - 整理床铺
14. Organizing - 整理
15. Gardening - 园艺.


1. Do the dishes 洗碗
2. Sweep the floor 扫地
3. Clean the bathroom 清洁浴室
4. Do the laundry 洗衣服
5. Vacuum the carpet 吸尘地毯
6. Dust the furniture 擦(cā)拭(shì)家具
7. Mop the floor 拖地
8. Take out the trash 倒垃圾
9. Iron the clothes 熨烫衣服
10. Make the bed 整理床铺


1. Washing dishes
2. Sweeping floors
3. Mopping floors
4. Vacuuming carpets
5. Dusting surfaces
6. Cleaning windows
7. Scrubbing toilets
8. Cleaning showers
9. Wiping down counters
10. Folding laundry
11. Ironing clothes
12. Washing clothes
13. Hanging clothes
14. Sorting clothes
15. Putting away clothes
16. Cleaning mirrors
17. Cleaning appliances
18. Scrubbing floors
19. Cleaning baseboards
20. Dusting blinds
21. Cleaning light fixtures
22. Cleaning ceiling fans
23. Organizing cabinets
24. Tidying up rooms
25. Cleaning out the fridge
26. Cleaning out the pantry
27. Sweeping the gara ge
28. Mowing the lawn
29. Trimming hedges
30. Planting flowers
31. Watering plants
32. Cleaning the car
33. Washing the car
34. Cleaning the gutters
35. Cleaning the chimney
36. Repairing broken items
37. Painting walls
38. Cleaning out the attic
39. Cleaning out the basement
40. Scrubbing grout
41. Cleaning the oven
42. Cleaning the stove
43. Cleaning the microwa ve
44. Cleaning the toaster
45. Cleaning the coffee maker
46. Cleaning the blender
47. Cleaning the juicer
48. Cleaning the food processor
49. Cleaning the mixer
50. Cleaning the dishwasher
51. Cleaning the washing machine
52. Cleaning the dryer
53. Cleaning the air vents
54. Cleaning the furnace
55. Cleaning the air conditioner
56. Cleaning the humidifier
57. Cleaning the dehumidifier
58. Cleaning the vacuum cleaner
59. Cleaning the broom
60. Cleaning the dustpan
61. Cleaning the mop
62. Cleaning the bucket
63. Cleaning the cleaning supplies
64. Cleaning the trash cans
65. Taking out the trash
66. Sorting recycling
67. Vacuuming furniture
68. Cleaning the blinds
69. Cleaning the curtains
70. Cleaning the rugs
71. Cleaning the doormats
72. Cleaning the patio furniture
73. Cleaning the grill
74. Cleaning the pool
75. Cleaning the hot tub
76. Cleaning the sauna
77. Cleaning the steam room
78. Cleaning the exercise equipment
79. Cleaning the weightlifting equipment
80. Cleaning the yoga mats
81. Cleaning the punching ba g
82. Cleaning the treadmill
83. Cleaning the stationary bike
84. Cleaning the rowing machine
85. Cleaning the elliptical
86. Cleaning the jump rope
87. Cleaning the resistance bands
88. Cleaning the dumbbells
89. Cleaning the barbells
90. Cleaning the kettlebells
91. Cleaning the medicine balls
92. Cleaning the yoga blocks
93. Cleaning the foam rollers
94. Cleaning the balance balls
95. Cleaning the resistance tubes
96. Cleaning the ab wheels
97. Cleaning the stability balls
98. Cleaning the pull-up bars
99. Cleaning the dip bars
100. Cleaning the push-up bars


1. Washing dishes
2. Doing laundry
3. Vacuuming the floors
4. Sweeping the floors
5. Mopping the floors
6. Dusting surfaces
7. Cleaning the bathroom
8. Washing windows
9. Ironing clothes
10. Folding laundry
11. Making beds
12. Cooking meals
13. Grocery shopping
14. Taking out the trash
15. Watering plants
16. Cleaning the kitchen
17. Organizing closets
18. Scrubbing the bathtub or shower
19. Cleaning the oven or stove
20. Wiping down surfaces in the living room.

