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料理鼠王的经典台词 \"你们这些蠢货,我要亲自下厨房!\"、“我要让你们品尝一下我的料理绝技!”、“成功的味道真是太美妙了!”、“我是绝对不会放弃的!”、“你们这帮小丑!”、“我要让你们尝尝我的厉害!”、“我可是鼠王,我可是最棒的!”、




1. \"May the Force be with you.\" - Star Wars
2. \"Here's looking at you, kid.\" - Casablanca
3. \"You can't handle the truth!\" - A Few Good Men
4. \"I'll be back.\" - The Terminator
5. \"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.\" - Forrest Gump
6. \"Why so serious?\" - The Dark Knight
7. \"I feel the need...the need for speed!\" - Top Gun
8. \"There's no place like home.\" - The Wizard of Oz
9. \"You talking to me?\" - Taxi Driver
10. \"I'm king of the world!\" - Titanic


\"谁说老鼠不会做菜?\" - \"Who says mice can't cook?\"
\"每个人都可以成为大厨,只要你有勇气去尝试\" - \"Anyone can cook, if you have the courage to try.\"
\"美食不分贫贵,只要用心去做\" - \"Good food is the sole right of the people who cultivate it with their own hands.\"
\"你的食材不好,是因为你没有好好去寻找\" - \"Your ingredients are nothing if you don't have good taste.\"
\"如果你想要成为一名大厨,就必须付出努力和耐心\" - \"If you want to be a great chef, you have to work hard and have patience.\"



1. \"I'm not a pet, I'm a partner.\" - \"我不是宠物,我是伙伴。\"
2. \"I can talk, and I'm not just some parlor trick.\" - \"我会说话,我不只是一种魔术表演。\"
3. \"You can't leave me here! I'll die! I'll die alone!\" - \"你不能把我留在这里!我会死的!我会孤独死去!\"
4. \"I'm sorry, I get a little carried away sometimes. It's the wolf in me.\" - \"对不起,有时候我会有些冲动。这是我里面的狼在作怪。\"
5. \"I don't need a collar. I have a chip, just like a credit card.\" - \"我不需要项圈。我有一个芯片,就像信用卡一样。\"
6. \"I'm a hero. I'm the hero of the story.\" - \"我是英雄。我是这个故事的英雄。\"
7. \"I'm not a monster. I'm just different.\" - \"我不是怪物。我只是与众不同。\"
8. \"I'm not a pet, but I love you anyway.\" - \"我不是宠物,但我仍然爱你。\"
9. \"You can't judge a book by its cover.\" - \"你不能以貌取人。\"
10. \"We may be different, but we're still a family.\" - \"我们可能不同,但我们仍然是一家人。\"



\"Ratatouille, the rat of all my dreams. I praise you, my guiding star. Ratatouille, I will be faithful to you. My soul belongs to you. I will serve you until the end of my days. Yours forever, Linguini.\"



1. \"任何事情都有可能发生,只要你有勇气去追求。\" - 阿尔弗雷德

2. \"不要让任何人告诉你,你不能做到某件事情。如果你有梦想,你就应该追求它。\" - 阿尔弗雷德

3. \"在厨房里,没有人是普通人。我们都有独特的技能和才能。\" - 阿尔弗雷德

4. \"做菜就像是一场魔法表演。\" - 阿尔弗雷德

5. \"你必须相信自己,相信你的味道。\" - 阿尔弗雷德

6. \"当你做菜的时候,你需要全神贯注。\" - 阿尔弗雷德

7. \"厨房里的每个人都有自己的故事。\" - 阿尔弗雷德

8. \"在厨房里,你需要学会接受失败并从中学习。\" - 阿尔弗雷德

9. \"做菜不仅仅是为了填饱肚子,它还可以让你感到幸福和满足。\" - 阿尔弗雷德

10. \"当你做菜的时候,你必须充满热情和创造力。\" - 阿尔弗雷德



1. \"人生有很多种滋味,有的甜美,有的苦涩,但不管怎样,都要坚持走下去。\" - \"Life has many flavors, some sweet, some bitter, but no matter what, we must keep going.\"

